The Author
I was born in Hamburg, Germany in the late sixties and consequently now are in my early fifties, living in a small town in Germany. I am an engineer by training and by heart with a PhD in Biotechnology. After a short stay in biotechnology research, I joined a multinational company working out of Germany. While I spent my initial years working as an engineer or close to that, I found myself slowly but steadily moving from the physical world to a world that saw me spend more and more of my day in trading information with internal and external partners — a classical corporate office job . What is now many years of experience in such a global and corporate environment, gaining some insight into the workings of such organisations, made me wonder how things work and why they work despite all the shortcomings that I inevitably learned about.
Regularly, I found myself sitting with colleagues Over lunch, with partners from other companies at dinner or friends from other environments musing over systems, organisations and how they communicate. Spending some time in the bookshops of airports and train stations got me interested in books on small and large systems, psychology, the brain, economics and so on – all about systems and interactions of some kind.
From time to time, I am also working as an assistant lecturer at a nearby university trying to explain the world of manufacturing data to students.
All the other hours of the days I am a grandfather, father and husband (and like to tinker a bit or tend my flowers, fruits and vegetables ). I have never written anything complex since my theses during my university days until setting out to write about how us humans perform and communicate in organisational settings.
I hope I won’t disappoint my prospective readers though.